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About EBYS

The Envision EBYS System provides the possibility of decrypting all documents in EMU in electronic environment, ensuring their transmission between units, signing with a secure electronic signature. With EBYS, all documents are processed via electronic media and it is aimed to reduce the use of paper and increase the speed of document circulation. It has been started to be used as a replacement for our existing document system as of July 15, 2024. 

With EBYS system:

  • Documents received from outside the administration, are recorded electronically.  
  • During document scanning, the data on the documents can be read and saved.  
  • The circulation of documents within the administration is provided electronically via the Envision application.  
  • Users cannot reach the documents that they do not have access to.  
  • Documents to be sent to units within the administration or to a non-administrative institution can be prepared and sent with a secure electronic signature.  
  • Documents sent with a secure electronic signature can be verified by the receiving institution.  
  • A unit can access the archived documents and do search between these documents. 
  • The number of documents of the sections or the entire EMU can be displayed on a year-by-year basis, and a report can be obtained. 

You can click the button below to verify the documents produced through Envision.

EBYS Document Verification

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